For 30 years, Frag Industrie has designed and manufactured high quality mechanical wear parts for large industrial groups. Our engineers and technicians are at your disposal to analyze your needs, offer you alternative solutions to your usual suppliers and help you optimize your production tool. We share our know-how and expertise to develop partnerships with our customers.


Marine Chain Elevators

There are many continuous handling applications for marine chain (bucket elevators, conveyor scrapers, ash extractors, etc.). Nevertheless, many types and standards exist that can make it difficult to precisely identify its components (geometry, composition or thermal treatment).

Forged chain conveyors

Present in many sectors of heavy industry, forged chain conveyors ensure the delivery of bulk products between the individual processing steps. In particular, they have the advantage of allowing a tight seal with their closed compartments.

Rotary Table Filters

Being the final step in the manufacturing process of phosphoric acid, filtration quality plays a critical role in the efficiency of this type of facility. For 30 years, we have successfully made several of the most strategic replacement parts for the filters to rotary table.

Do not hesitate to contact us to check if the parts you need are identified by our services, in order to benefit from an alternative to your usual supplier.